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Carbon offset verification services include site visits
Carbon offset verification services include site visits
SES verifies wetland projects as part of our natural resources and verification project work.
SES conducts verification for millions of acres of cropland, pasture, and rangeland projects in the U.S.

SES provides independent and impartial verification for programs and projects designed to improve your operation’s sustainability.

SES first began carbon offset verification in 2004, with the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). Under the CCX program, SES verified carbon offsets throughout the U.S. and in Asia, Europe, and South America. This work included millions of acres of cropland, pasture, and rangeland projects in the U.S.

Our Services

Carbon Offset Verification

SES, Inc. (SES) is accredited as a validation and verification body by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) for assertions related to GHG emission reductions & removals at the project level under scopes 1 and 2, GHG emission reductions from fuel combustion and GHG emission reductions from industrial processes (non-combustion, chemical reaction, fugitive and other). You can view our ANAB accreditation certificate and scope document at this link.

Additionally, SES is accredited by California ARB to verify carbon offsets under the California ARB Compliance Offset Protocols and the California Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). SES has verified compliance offsets for methane capture for livestock methane, active and abandoned coal mines, and ozone depleting substances.

Carbon Offset Validation and Verification Process

Carbon Offset projects can include two main processes: validation and verification. Validation evaluates the design and plan of a given project. Verification occurs after a project has been implemented and is used to evaluate the amount of GHG emissions either avoided or sequestered.

In general, the verification process includes the following steps:

  • A project developer will choose a methodology developed under a recognized GHG program.
  • The project developer is responsible for design, planning, and implementation of the project.
  • A third-party validator completes an evaluation of the project design.
  • A third-party verifier evaluates the project. Verification tasks include a desk review of project documentation and data, a site visit for ground-truthing, and drafting a report.
  • The verifier’s draft report is subject to a rigorous technical review. The review is conducted by a qualified reviewer who was not involved in the project verification.
  • The final verification opinion is completed and submitted to the applicable GHG program.
  • Carbon offset credits are issued by the GHG program.

The length of time and cost for the verification process varies based on project type, size, location, and complexity which includes the protocols used. All third-party verifiers must maintain integrity. For this reason, SES does not offer consulting activities for any project where we validate or verify.

Sustainability Program Verification

If your existing sustainability or other program does not have verification, we can help you establish auditing protocols to monitor and track your sustainability program performance. We also develop training and train verifiers to your standards.

Contact SES to learn more about our verification services

Project Work

SES staff have more than twenty years of experience as independent verifiers. Our project work includes:

Carbon Offset Verification Projects

SES conducts offset verification under protocols for livestock methane production, ozone-depleting substances, and mine methane production.  We verify the projects follow the ARB Compliance Offset Protocols, the most current version of the ARB Regulations (§95977 and §95978), and applicable ARB guidance documents.  The project work includes completing and submitting a Notice of Verification Services, conflict of interest evaluation, and introductory meetings with clients.

Using preliminary data from the clients, we produce a verification plan and verification sampling plan.  After completing this initial work, our team conducts a site visit and reviews documentation and data related to the client’s claim of offsets generated.  We independently calculate the offset verification and issue a statement and report based on the findings.

Sustainability Audits

SES reviewed sustainability practices for a poultry integrator with grower operations in California and produced its auditing protocol.  We audit growers on a three-year cycle to verify the company’s sustainability claims.

Independent Company and Impartial Verifier

SES is an independently owned company with an unyielding commitment to impartiality. We confirm our team members have no conflicts of interest prior to working on any project. SES does not verify projects or programs that we consult on for GHG accounting and program development services.

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